
Nhi Hoang

Chemical Engineering Student


Besides studying, I love making DIY stuffs like soaps, making drinks, baking, and participating in volunteering activities.

Instagrammable cakes I have baked

Choux Pastry Creme Caramel Molten Lava Lemon Tart Coffee Cookies Mousse

I also voluntered for Bake A Wish, where I baked birthday cakes for people in need in Austin, especially orphan children. I decorated cakes up to their favourite themes.

In Summer 2021, my best friends and I opened a bubble tea shop in my hometown. Its name is Unitea, which has 2 meanings: unity and unique tea. I created all recipes. That was a fun experience. I ended up with gaining 4lbs after drinking samples for 2 weeks. Unitea got profit after 1 month launching. Currently, my friends are still running it, back in Vietnam. You can visited Unitea's fanpage here